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MP Pumps

MP Flomax Pump. MP is a domestic pump manufacture of 316 Stainless Steel, Cast Iron, and Bronze end suction and self priming centrifugal pumps which are commonly used in all industries including hot oil transfer, Petroleum, Bio-Fuels, Marine, Agricultural, chemical and construction. Water and chemical pumps. Trash, sewage, irrigation pump.

Centrifugal pumps made by MP are available in a wide choice of materials and drive types: Electric (115 / 230 /460v, 12/24Vdc, gas engine, hydraulic and PTO / frame mount. MP's Flomax is proudly machined and assembled in Fraser, MI.  The recent U.S. tariffs do not affect our Cast Iron, Ductile and Bronze pumps.

Flowmax Jager Chemflo. Michigan. Pumps for trenchless machines mixing drilling fluid additives with water and delivering the slurry to horizontal directional drilling units for drilling, backreaming, and product pullback. Installation, Operation and Repair Manuals

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