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Irrigation Sprinkler Pump

When considering a sprinkler or irrigation pump for lawns, gardens, and fields there are a couple of factors that influence a pump’s performance. The first is the power of the pump which is controlled by the motor. A bigger motor with higher horsepower means greater volume and greater pressure. The second factor is the size of the impeller. A larger impeller in a smaller case creates higher pressure. But using more pressure than is required by the system leads to wasted energy. And an efficient system is crucial when selecting an irrigation pump.

Irrigation pumps come in many sizes from 10gpm up to 100's gpm, from 1/2HP up to 30HP, all voltages and many leading brands. Berkeley, AMT, Sta-rite, Starite, Myers, Wayne and many more.

Irrigation and sprinkler pump sizing is only a call away 800-PumpBiz (786-7249). Let one of our Application Engineers help you size and select the correct pump. We can also help you with all the accessories from strainers, hoses and control panels.

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