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AMT repair kits and pump parts can ship from stock or within 24hrs.

PumpBiz keeps a huge inventory or AMT Pump parts which you may search by part number, IPT pump model number, Pump model name. For a list of AMT parts click here.  For a copy of the AMT / IPT pump repair manual and parts list. US pump parts or AMT IPT pump repair.

Need help trouble shooting your American machine Tool pump problems or repairs, picking which parts? Let our experienced pump experts at PumpBiz help you. Remember we are not just a extensive and technical web site, there are seasoned pump industry service and application Engineers ready to help you with live knowledgeable and friendly help.  Need the seal kit or parts fast, no problem. Its simple 800-PumpBiz (786-7249) or email us.

CALL PumpBiz 800-PUMPBIZ (786-7249) Chicago, IL suburbs FOR ALL YOU AMT PUMP PARTS...WE HAVE THEM ALL. Repair also available.

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If possible try broadening your search to "All Categories" from category drop down menu. For model numbers spaces and dashes are required. Avoid using common terms like pump, centrifugal, submersible... If you are still having trouble Contact us or give us a call 800-PumpBiz.